Sushi Yama /​ Yama Paper

Yama Paper is a bi-annu­al pub­lic­a­tion. The brief expressed the hopes and dreams of the cli­ents vis­ion for a cus­tom­er magazine, freely access­ible at their res­taur­ant chain. The details of which were pro­posed and developed with Sushi Yama. In essence, the func­tion of the magazine is to rep­res­ent the com­pan­ies val­ues, con­nec­tions with Japan and the Japanese cul­ture and engage read­ers with the Sushi Yama brand.
_​_​Everything from the tact­ile feel of the paper to the lay­out of the art­icles is there to evoke feel­ings of desire – the pub­lic­a­tion is designed to instill an intrins­ic want-to-take-home-and-keep value.

Concept and Design
Jarl Fernaeus
Daniel Ahlgren

Production and Photography
Mark de Koning

Arctic Paper /​ Amber Graphic