Weibulls /​ We are Gardeners

These three films were an integ­ral com­pon­ent of the “We are Gardeners” cam­paign by Weibulls. They accom­pan­ied and com­ple­men­ted a series of short films which fol­lowed a couple of celebrit­ies along their garden­ing jour­ney. Utilised primar­ily on social media, but also in sales exhib­i­tions and expos. Each film provides a short glimpse into a reg­u­lar con­sumers pas­sion for garden­ing. The aim was to dis­play a vary­ing degree of both ambi­tion and expert­ise, but all with a love and pas­sion for gardening.

Daniel Ahlgren

Daniel Ahlgren

Daniel Ahlgren
Mark de Koning

Editing and Sound
Daniel Ahlgren

Project Leadership
Hanna Eriksson