AFA /​ Paperless

To com­mu­nic­ate AFA’s com­mit­ment to a paper­less future, the exist­ing paper forms were incor­por­ated in the fol­low­ing cam­paign. 20 fig­ures dis­play­ing pos­ib­il­it­ies for the use­less old forms were cre­ated by a mod­el-maker and then pho­to­graphed. Once the images arrived on my desk I set to work mak­ing small changes and adjust­ing the colours.
_​_​Two bro­chures were pro­duced inform­ing those using the cur­rent sys­tem that times were chan­ging and a new digit­al age was approach­ing. To rein­force the mes­sage a series of pack­aged mater­i­al was cre­ated for on demand pro­duc­tion. A fam­ily of ads were pro­duced using the primary fig­ures from the cam­paign and dis­trib­uted through­out the year.

Daniel Segerheim

Anders Ahlbom

Retouch and Production
Mark de Koning