After the initial three year reporting period was over we were challenged with reimagining the financial reports for the coming three. I began the process by analysing the general functionality of the Annual Reports – what the client and I thought worked and needed improving. Areas of evolution (rather than revolution) were maintaining the legibility of the tables but give them more space.
__We were to continue working in a way that gave open access to a number of content administrators. This brought its own set of difficulties in the way the documents would be structured. Ease of use and maneuverability for everyone was key.
__I wanted for the Annual Report in its printed form to stand out on the book shelf. Thus it was given for that reason a larger than normal format. Consideration was also taken to the spread format for screen purposes. It was favourable to fit or come close to screen proportions.
__One aspect was how to best utilise the limited colour pallet of mostly brown tones. The introduction of a darker neutral grey was used to offset the brighter Concentric orange. While at the same time limiting use of the duller brown tones. And a light warm background colour was employed to create contrast with white details, where required.
Concentric / Financial Reports 2018–2020
Concept and Design
Mark de Koning
Production and Retouch
Mark de Koning
Arctic Paper / Amber Graphic
Matte laminate